How does Online Bill Pay work?

To pay your bills online, simply add the companies and people you want to pay. We use this information to make the payments for your bills. After you add your bills, you can go to the Payment Center. The Pay Bills section lists all of the bills you’ve added in Online Bill Pay. To pay…

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What does the EMV chip do differently than the magnetic stripe on an EMV card?

When it comes to card security, EMV chip technology is the leader of the pack. Protecting the confidential data stored on your card is important. Traditional cards with magnetic stripes are easily copied (skimmed) with inexpensive card readers called skimmers. However, cards featuring chip technology easily combat counterfeiting thanks to dynamic, ever changing data within…

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What is EMV?

EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard, VISA after a joint effort between the three to ensure a secure and global way for MasterCard and Visa to be accepted worldwide. EMV cards has an embedded microchip in it. When used to pay at merchants with chip-enabled terminals and at ATMs, the system validates the chip helping to…

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